vendredi 23 mars 2012

Interview of Etsy Seller Lucy from Liquid Silver Design


With my new years resolutions (made in march instead of january) I ve decided to: quit smoking (yes it is 3 weeks now and I feel so much better), learn to crochet, and last but not the least set up twice a week an interview of a special Etsy seller.

My first guest  is Lucy from Liquid Silver Design 

Tell us a bit about yourself

My name is Lucy, I'm 23 and live and work in the beautiful rural county of Suffolk in the UK. I have a full time job working in the electricity industry and discovered my passion for making jewellery about a year ago. I have always been creative and come from a family full of very talented artisians. I became a registered member of the London assay office at the begining of this year and started sharing my passion with the rest of the world!

I love all crafts not just silversmithing and I have a love of all animals big and small at home I'm kept company by my 4 loveable but very naughty cats, my snakes, 2 geckos and 2 tarantulas.

Tell us a bit about your jewellery

My jewellery started out as a hobby making pieces for myself and gifts for family and friends. When people started asking where I get my jewellery from I decided it was time to jump into the online craft market. Every piece I make is something personal to me, I never make something just for the sake of it. 
I take my inspraition from everything around me the beautiful shapes, textures and colours found in nature are so vauleble to me. If I go out for a walk I will collect leaves, flowers, twigs and generally anything that takes my fancy.
I also love my garden I'm very lucky to have a large south facing garden where I grow flowers, fruits and vegetables often just because I like thier shapes and want to replicate them in silver.

Your recent project

My most recent project is getting to grips with stone setting I have recently made my first piece using dichroic glass I love the way it sparkles and changes colour when light hits it!

Click here for more details

Apart from jewellery I'm working on several sewing projects. I love sewing but have not touched a sewing machine since school! luckily I have a very talented and very paitent friend who is teaching me... although it is like starting from scratch again! 

If you were not an arist, what would you be


ooooo Thats a tough question! there are so many things I would love to do... but I would probably have to pick zoology! I adore animals and think the conservation of endagered speices is very important and something we should all think about... I mean do we really want to be in a position where all we are leaving our children is photographs?
I have a perticular love of snakes I spend half my life trying to help other people that these beautiful, graceful and frankly amazing animals and not just the scary monsters you see in the films.

Thank you!

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